The job market is a dynamic place with many shifts. Sometimes, it's an employer's market, and other times it's an employee's market. In both instances, it can be hard to identify the best talent for your company while still trying to manage your day-to-day responsibilities. This is especially true if recruitment isn't something you normally do. One of the biggest challenges facing employers is the time it takes to hire, from writing job adverts, to sifting through applications, creating shortlists, conducting interviews, and negotiating offers.

A good recruitment partner (the key being to use a good one) can reduce the time to hire, save you money in the long run, streamline the process, and provide relevant and up-to-date market information on how to attract talent that will stay with your company for years to come.

How does a recruitment agency attract talent?
Recruitment agencies have multiple ways to attract talent, not all of which are replicable by a hiring manager who may only hire once a year, if that.

A good agency will have a network of talent that they have established relationships with, often consisting of passive candidates who aren't actively looking for a job but can be enticed by the right opportunity. These candidates typically don't look at job boards and won't come across your job advert. The only way to reach them is through the agency. 

Additionally, experienced head-hunters within the agency can quickly identify potential candidates from your competitors and locate the relevant skills required for your role.
With years of experience, agencies know the best methods and buzzwords to use in job adverts that align with candidates' search terms. This targeted approach can save you hours of sifting through CVs, as you will be presented with a handful of the best candidates who have been specifically shortlisted for your needs.
Trust your agency and build a relationship with them.

For an agency to deliver a well-researched, targeted recruitment project, they need to have a deep understanding of your needs. This goes beyond sending them a job description and asking for CVs. While that approach might lead to a quick hire, it won't necessarily lead to a lasting one. The agency needs to understand your business, your goals, your culture, people's development paths in the organization, why the role is available, challenges that the new hire will face, how you want to receive CVs, and how you want to be communicated with, among other things. Building a strong working relationship with your agency is vital to their success.